Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tagged by Melly once again . . .

Choose one of your favourite bands/artist: ABBA
Answer all the questions using SONG TITLES from the BAND or ARTIST

1. Are you male or female? Dancing Queen
2. Describe yourself: Super Trouper
3. How do some people feel about you? The Way Old Friends Do
4. How do you feel about yourself? Take A Chance On Me
5. Describe current relationship with BF/GF: Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
6. Describe where you want to be: Summer Night City
7. Describe how you live: SOS
8. Describe how you love: I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do
9. What would you ask for if you had just one wish? Money Money Money
10. Share a few words of wisdom: The Winner Takes It All
11. Now say goodbye: Thank You For the Music

Today, with some trepidation, I had myself connnected to Cable Broadband. Some trepidation because I really wasn't 100% sure the problems I've been having with dial-up related to my phone line or to my aging computer.
I am relieved and pleased to discover the fault lay, as I guessed, with the phone line. Five hours online after connection, not a problem. I LOVE IT !!!!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

I loved this - how funny - I almost choked at 'Dancing Queen' - and I am so happy you're having fun, can't wait to say hey to you. :)