Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mel, you've done it to me again

Simon = Green Lantern

Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.

Green Lantern - 85%
Superman - 80%
Catwoman - 65%
Spider-Man - 60%
Hulk - 60%
The Flash - 55%
Iron Man - 55%
Robin - 53%
Supergirl - 48%
Batman - 35%
Wonder Woman - 33%

Stolen from Grant (c/- Melly)
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

1 comment:

Mel said...

Simon, Green Lantern/Jon Stewart/Kyle Rayner is one of my favorites - I am impressed. Don't know about the 'Superman' that is a bit worrying, he is a perenial 'do-gooder' and is currently out of favor. Lantern is cool though.