Monday, August 22, 2005

"So here i am - my heart breaking . . . forced to glitter, forced to be gay."

Now I'd love to offer a prize to the first person who can identify the quoted lyric (just the show it's from would be enough) – Maybe I should, I’m pretty confident no-one who reads this is likely to recognise it.

Yeah, I’m back at work after my week off, in a new desk, Blog Central from the looks of it, Slim, Lollie, Mel and myself all in a bit of a bunch. Not that it will affect the amount of work done of course!

New desk means new computer, and just now realised all the old training stuff, emails etc, has stayed on my old computer. I’m seriously wondering if I want to retrieve it or not, and thereby hangs a long and sorry tale that I’m just not getting into (not yet)

But, nice to see the guys here, catch up on a bit of goss (and the best goss I can’t put in here, goddammitt.).

The week off was good, relaxing, only one seriously drunken episode (already noted), lots of movies watched, two or three books read, dog spoiled absolutely rotten with walks and attention - even got some gardening done (in between rain) and redesigned my new kitchen – twice. That makes I think 7 major variations to date. The bathroom only sits at about 5 plans – its falling behind.

Even managed to take myself out to the theatre – Judi Connelli in “Sunset Boulevard”. Not bad really, she would have benefited from a couple of weeks more rehearsal, but she sure sang the guts out of it. David Campbell stole it though – kind of nice to see the focus shift back to the Joe Gillis character, more like the film.

And now I’m back, taking the same calls, fixing the same mistakes other people have made, hearing the same lame jokes from the techs . . . . haven’t actually been abused yet. That’s something. (Did get told by a contractor that I had upset her a few weeks back – I intended too, she’d been rude and I told her. Tough if she didn’t like it. Now she’s angling for an apology as I “must be in a better mood after my time off” – boy has she got a few things to learn.)

I guess one week off, nice as it was, just ain’t enough.

1 comment:

Mel said...

I think I heard this song from Cowboys 'n' Poodles - :)
Okay I am not answering any more questions.