Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This is kind of the Blog I have to do when I really don’t know what I want to blog about. I keep stirring the guys around me at work – here in Blog Central – that they’re getting slack, neglecting their Blog Duties. If I don’t keep my end up they’ll turn on me for sure – and deservedly so.

So . . . . well, the weather’s been really good. Frustratingly good in fact. Combined with unusually late starts (for me) I’ve been walking to work. Takes me an hour which makes it a good worthwhile walk. Nice at this time of year too, can have a good comparatively leisurely sticky-beak at everybody’s gardens as I walk past. Nothing sinister there, just always on the lookout for ideas for my neglected garden. I admit I dream far more about my garden than doing anything about it, but soon !
Yeah, soon.
Right now of course everything is starting to grow. I think perhaps the loveliest thing at the moment is the new leaves on the rose bushes. Just love the way they look so new and clean and green with their reddish-brown edges. That’s going to be about the end of me waxing lyrical.

Just went out for a cigarette. Guy down there I’ve sort of liked the look of for a while.
He has a beard, and I usually don’t much care for that. He’s shaved it off. Pity. He needs the beard. Another little obsession gone.

Forty minutes to go before home time, and things have got so quiet in here it’s going to drag. Got to start writing out a job app when I get home, internal job, still not 100% decided if the time is right for me to leave this company. Apparently a few people going for it. We’ll see. There’s a bit of a flurry of people applying for new positions here – guess its just the first round of new positions after the end of the Financial year.

Getting close to home time. People round me getting silly and its catching. That’s not a complaint, not at this time of day. This is probably my worst blog to-date. Not particularly fussed by that, but going to leave it at that.

1 comment:

Mel said...

I don't think it was a silly post - I think it would have been a bit lonely over in BC without the noise from my PC (Rock On 80s!) and the constant murmers of others... I am loving the weather.