Been neglecting this a bit lately. Guess it's been a bit of a busy week.Stupid day on Thurday last. Slept in - not really my fault, the power went off during the night and so neither alarm went off. Yeah, I have two, one I can reach over and belt the shit out of so I can snooze, the other one beeps annoyingly, the dog hates it and will come in and bark at it after about thirty seconds, and I can't reach it without getting out of bed, so normally I cannot sleep in.
So woke up and the alarm is flashing 12.50 at me. Took a few momets to realise it was flashing, and that meant I hadn't necessarily woken up in the middle of the night.
Turned the light on, grabbed the watch, Oh shit, gotta be out of here in 15 minutes.Stuff shaving, washed quickly, fed the dog, dressed, brushed teeth, put the dog out- shit, its raining - race to the car, bending down to keep rain off the glasses and avoid wet branches I've been meaning to cut back for weeks, open the door - ouch, slam the door hard into my head !
Bleeding - great ! Inside, cold washcloth, stop the bleeding, good, bit of a lump forming, never mind, gotta get to work.
Get there on time, just. Log in, explain to Rob what a clumsy idiot I've been - God bless him, he's concerned. Don't quite understand why. Stand up to go get the first print-outs. Oh, feel a bit wobbly there. Must have stood up too quickly. Make it to the printer, back to my desk, work a bit, gotta get up again. Feeling wobblier. Why I wonder ? Sure I have a bump on my head, but it's not hurting. An hour later find myself still wobbly, feeling strange, staring at the computer. I know I know how to do this, but just can't quite seem to remember. Figure maybe I should not be here . . . . Rob won't let me walk down the stairs. Good thinking.
Go home, feeling really stupid.Turn the TV on, daytime TV is so mindless it won't matter if I can't concentrate. Gotta do something, I seem to remember something about not going to sleep after a bang on the head . . . . hey, TV's gone off. Light's off too . . . No power. Again. And it's cold - no it's freezing in here.Wind up wrapped up in a blanket to keep warm, can't concentrate to read. Dog has snuggled up with me on the couch,very cosy but I shouldn't fall asleep, should I ? No music cos there's no power, no heater, no electric jug so no coffee. Why do I have an all-electric house ??? Should I go out and boil water on the BBQ? No, it's raining, remember. Oh, and the gas bottle's empty anyway.
45 minutes later all is well, power is on. Great start to the day.
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1 comment:
Holy Hell Launchpad! That's unfortunate about the noggin. Feel better and for goodness sakes be careful!
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