Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mel, you've done it to me again

Simon = Green Lantern

Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.

Green Lantern - 85%
Superman - 80%
Catwoman - 65%
Spider-Man - 60%
Hulk - 60%
The Flash - 55%
Iron Man - 55%
Robin - 53%
Supergirl - 48%
Batman - 35%
Wonder Woman - 33%

Stolen from Grant (c/- Melly)
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Friday, January 27, 2006

The lad has done a fashion shoot for GQ Mag.
February issue, with Heath on the cover.
Something new for me to anxiously await now that i've seen "Brokeback Mountain" . . . . (more on that to follow)

Life is never dull.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mighty Kong

Way too hot today, and a last-minute change of plans left me with the not very attactive prospect of sweltering in my hot little house, so I took myslef off to hide from the heat at the movies.
King Kong was the choice. Who'd have thought that little old film could have been turned into such a wonderful three hours ! And thank God nobody gave too much away.
The CGI is awesome, Kong himself is so real. I wanted to cheer when he finally got one of those blasted airplanes, then wanted to shout at the reporters when they were clambering over his body at the end. Several nice nods to specific films snuck in along the way too.
Get the feeling I loved it? You bet. A must-have for the DVD collection, but so glad I saw it on the big screen.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Opens here next week on the Australia Day Public Holiday.
Been a while since I've been waiting for a film to arrive with such anticipation.
Did well at the Golden Globe Awards. So glad.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tagged by Melly once again . . .

Choose one of your favourite bands/artist: ABBA
Answer all the questions using SONG TITLES from the BAND or ARTIST

1. Are you male or female? Dancing Queen
2. Describe yourself: Super Trouper
3. How do some people feel about you? The Way Old Friends Do
4. How do you feel about yourself? Take A Chance On Me
5. Describe current relationship with BF/GF: Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
6. Describe where you want to be: Summer Night City
7. Describe how you live: SOS
8. Describe how you love: I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do
9. What would you ask for if you had just one wish? Money Money Money
10. Share a few words of wisdom: The Winner Takes It All
11. Now say goodbye: Thank You For the Music

Today, with some trepidation, I had myself connnected to Cable Broadband. Some trepidation because I really wasn't 100% sure the problems I've been having with dial-up related to my phone line or to my aging computer.
I am relieved and pleased to discover the fault lay, as I guessed, with the phone line. Five hours online after connection, not a problem. I LOVE IT !!!!!

Friday, January 06, 2006


Tagged by Melly

Four Jobs you’ve had in your life:
Travel Consultant
Stage Manager
Record SHop Manager

Four movies you could watch over and over:
Love, Actually
Wizard of Oz
Princess Bride
Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Four places you’ve lived:
- there is no number four

Four TV shows you love to watch:
The Simpsons
any E Channel gossip
Will & Grace

Ally McBeal
Six Feet Under

Four places you’ve been on vacation:
South Korea

Four websites you visit daily:
While my home internet is out of action, none.

Four of your favorite foods:
potatoes in any form
pad Thai
roast chicken
sticky-date pudding

Four places you’d rather be:
Thailand - Jomtien Beach to be precise
New York
White Beach, Mindanoa, The Philippines